Gravity Pal Blog

Two Things To Do Before Buying An Inversion Table by Michael McKay, L.M.T.
I manufacture a low angle portable inversion table (aka slant board) called Gravity Pal. Because I suffered from chronic back pain and couldn’t travel, I was motivated to re-invent and update this old idea in 2014. I loved the results I got from my table so much I now...
How To Build Your Own Gravity Pal
I had to do something to deal with my ongoing chronic back pain. Travel was becoming so difficult I was canceling trips, I could no longer do yard work I enjoyed and – frankly – the boundaries around me started to get bigger and bigger.I knew I had relief from lying...
Which Gravity Pal is Right for You? * WATCH THE VIDEO * Three Gravity Pal Models for Wellness, Beauty and Back Pain Relief – Luxury Bench, Trimline and Traveler – Each are designed to conveniently fit into your lifestyle, whenever and wherever you need it or want it.*...
How to Get On & Off a Gravity Pal LOW Angle Inversion Table – WATCH THE ONE-MINUTE VIDEO
How to Get On & Off a Gravity Pal LOW Angle Inversion TableIn Only Three Easy Steps.High Angle Inversion is NOT necessary.With Gravity Pal there is NO need to lock up your feet, NO Ankle Pain, NO Overstretched Ligaments and NO need to have a spotter.The Gravity...
Developing a Self-Care Strategy for Back Pain
"Oh my aching back!" "Oh just live with it", she snapped. "Back Pain, it's the McKay curse", he mumbled. And I wondered why, yet again. I heard this many times while growing up but could not figure out what the McKay Curse was. But then, in my late teens, I noticed it...
Problems Inversion Table Manufacturers Don’t Talk About *WATCH VIDEO*
#1. What about those WHO DO NOT FEEL SAFE? The very idea of leaning backwards, inverting at a High Angle and going upside down is enough to make some people break out in a sweat.
Are you one of the many WHO ARE AFRAID OF – OR UNABLE TO – HANG UPSIDE DOWN in the first place? Gravity Pal is the effective Low Angle Solution for you!!
DIY Inversion Tables?
Although it is temping for some people to think so, you CANNOT make at home by yourself anything comparable or nearly as *effective* as a Gravity Pal Low Angle Inversion Table.
We are the only manufacturer producing properly engineered Low Angle Inversion Table SOLUTIONS.
3 Big Problems with High Angle Inversion Tables that Gravity Pal Solves
There are 3 BIG PROBLEMS with High Angle Inversion Tables that Gravity Pal Solves. High Angle Inversion Problem #1: Potential Ligament Damage and Ankle Pain. Once a ligament is overloaded and over stretched it is nearly impossible to have it regain it’s original shape. As we get older this is a significant concern and doctors warn of potential damage to ligaments in hips, knees and ankles from over stretching.
The History of Inversion Therapy
A Brief Historical Perspective of Inversion Therapy. I remember well in 1980 when the actor Richard Gere made Gravity Boots famous in the movie American Gigolo. What most people do not realize is, that movie kick started a movement away from Low Angle Inversion and toward radical Upside Down and High Angle Inversion. The history of seeking relief from gravity goes back to ancient times. There are reports from around 400 B.C. of Hippocrates observing people being lashed to ladders that were then hung upside down; presumably the “patients” were volunteers.