by Michael | Aug 31, 2020 | Blog |
How To Properly Get Up Off the Floor By Michael McKay, L.M.T. Occasionally, I’ll demo for a new customer how to get onto and off of one of our Gravity Pal Low Angle Inversion Tables. I recall a very fit looking 90 year old lady who wanted to try it out. What was...
by Michael | Aug 13, 2020 | Blog |
Can Inversion Help with Depression? by Dawn R. McKay M.S.-SLP, L.M.T. It’s no surprise so many people are dealing with higher levels of stress these days. We’re more isolated with so many adjusting to working from home and, when we do take a break, we’re...
by Michael | Aug 5, 2020 | Blog |
Big Surprise!! Improved Mental Clarity from LOW Angle Inversion? “Why is my thinking becoming more clear?”, she asked, “Is it because of using my Gravity Pal?” I chuckled. I was answering a call from one of our recent Gravity Pal low angle...
by Michael | Jul 14, 2020 | Blog |
I manufacture a low angle portable inversion table (aka slant board) called Gravity Pal. Because I suffered from chronic back pain and couldn’t travel, I was motivated to re-invent and update this old idea in 2014. I loved the results I got from my table so much I now...
by gpalwpadmin | Sep 13, 2016 | Blog |
I had to do something to deal with my ongoing chronic back pain. Travel was becoming so difficult I was canceling trips, I could no longer do yard work I enjoyed and – frankly – the boundaries around me started to get bigger and bigger.I knew I had relief from lying...
by gpalwpadmin | Jun 29, 2016 | Blog |
Three Gravity Pal Models for Wellness, Beauty and Back Pain Relief – Luxury Bench, Trimline and Traveler – Each are designed to conveniently fit into your lifestyle, whenever and wherever you need it or want it.* Commonalities – All Three Designs Have the...